Showing posts with label Images. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Images. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Note-passing, texting, and... "runesticking?"

 "Sigríðr of Hváll gave this staff for mercy towards the souls of Arnþórr and herself" 
(Arnþórr was presumably her husband, and Hváll is the farm Kvåle near the church.)

 "Kiss me"

"Now there is a great fuss here" Someone wrote on a rib bone, probably from their meal.

"Gyda says you should go home"

These were found in Norway. They're called runesticks and what they are, are just sticks with little carvings of runes. This was before the Latin alphabet, and before paper had reached Europe. It seems like people back then had a need for "texting" too.

Cats have always done this!

Here we have a picture of a cat jumping onto a manuscript from the Middle Ages. It seems like they had problems with their cats jumping onto their work, just like people today have problems with our cats jumping onto our homework, keyboards, etc! 

"These days, if a government document was disfigured by an animal it would probably be destroyed and replaced - but back then writing was such an elaborate and expensive exercise that the book could not be wasted.
This week, Mr Filipovic went online to give his own interpretation of the image's success.
'You can almost picture the writer shooing the cat in a panicky fashion while trying to remove it from his desk,' he wrote."

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Anne Boleyn

This is a painted copy of an original picture of Queen Anne Boleyn. The original was painted in 1534.

About Anne:

Reign: 28 May 1533 – 17 May 1536

Spouse: King Henry VIII of England

House: House of Tudor

Date of Birth: 1501/1507 (Her year of birth is disputed.)

Date of Death: 19 May 1536 (aged 28/35), Tower of London, London, by execution (she was beheaded).

Anne's Signature: